Dear Reader,
I'm fascinated with the idea of programming. I love that you can essentially create something out of nothing. You start off with just lines and lines of unintelligible text, and end up with a final output that's real and usable and just there. It's like you're some kind of magician, conjuring a rabbit from thin air. My older sister studies computational linguistics, so that's where I first discovered the idea of programming. I took Programming I & II in school, and then followed that with APCS. While these classes gave me a pretty solid basic background in how to write code, but they lacked in the hands-on experience. That's to say, I know the theory, but not how to put that together to create a usable program. My WISE project seemed like the perfect solution to this. My goal, for the next 16 weeks, is to learn some new programming languages, at least well enough to be able to use them, and then utilize this knowledge to create a online card game, similar to the ever popular Apples to Apples. I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish the game by the start of June, but I'm afraid I might be overestimating my abilities. It's a pretty daunting task, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to pull it off. I've found a bunch of resources though - books, websites, and also people, so I won't be alone through it, and I suppose all I can do is try my best. At the very least, I'll have gained some valuable information, both about game development as well as my strengths and weaknesses. And even if I can't finish during the time period, eventually I'll have a finished product that I can be proud of!
Great 1st entries Grace! I have full faith in you! Ms. Lord