Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Listening to Your Coaches

I have a hard time taking advice from people I don't know. It's not so bad when someone I'm close to offers a suggestion, but when it's someone I hardly know, I often feel like they're being almost condescending about the way I choose to go about things. I've mentioned this in a earlier post - it bothers me when people tell me all things I could have done better, especially when I put in so much work getting to where I am. I'm not a "natural" programmer - I'm not one of those kids who have been writing code since they could read. I only stumbled upon this whole field a couple years ago. That being said, it also means I do need a lot of help, because I am new at all this. I guess it's just important that I take everything with an open mind, like the article said. I'm not quite at the point where I can easily filter good advice from bad advice, but I need to get there.

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