Monday, June 3, 2013


Wow, it's hard to believe this is the end. Tomorrow, all my materials will be turned in, and this journal will be done. It's been a good (and bad sometimes) 16 weeks. My narrative is done, and I plan to spend the afternoon writing my research commentary and eating frozen yogurt, then heading to Kinko's to print all my materials. What was once a daunting task now seems manageable, and I can see the light at the end of the year (ha, I'm punny). Even my presentation doesn't seem so scary now, just because I realized while writing my narrative that I have so much to talk about, because so much has happened and it's been such a learning experience. Also I kind of just want to brag about what I've managed to do, because to me, programming is pretty much the coolest thing in the world. It's been good, WISE. :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013


You'd think as the year was winding down, I'd have more time to relax. But no. I'm swamped with work and it's completely overwhelming. So, once again taking my mentor's advice, I've made a to do list for the week. 11/14 of the things have to be done by Tuesday. Help.

Sample Presentation

Last week, we got to see a very brave student, Luke, present his project in front of basically everyone. This was really cool, because I had no idea what a presentation should look at. From his presentation, I got a lot of insight into what I could add into my presentation. I'd like to borrow his idea of going into the history. This would definitely add resources to my lacking bibliography, and also add something that wouldn't be present elsewhere - journal, narrative.
I think the strongest part of his presentation was his confidence, and that the part I'm most jealous of. I don't have that ability to speak with such certainty, and it really made his presentation bold and interesting.
Differently, I think I'll focus less on a PowerPoint and maybe more on my website itself and the code as my visual aid.