Monday, June 3, 2013


Wow, it's hard to believe this is the end. Tomorrow, all my materials will be turned in, and this journal will be done. It's been a good (and bad sometimes) 16 weeks. My narrative is done, and I plan to spend the afternoon writing my research commentary and eating frozen yogurt, then heading to Kinko's to print all my materials. What was once a daunting task now seems manageable, and I can see the light at the end of the year (ha, I'm punny). Even my presentation doesn't seem so scary now, just because I realized while writing my narrative that I have so much to talk about, because so much has happened and it's been such a learning experience. Also I kind of just want to brag about what I've managed to do, because to me, programming is pretty much the coolest thing in the world. It's been good, WISE. :)

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