Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today, at the suggestion of a classmate (thanks, Joon! :P) I started trying some of the CodingBat exercises for Python. CodingBat is a website that has lots of short exercises designed to develop your coding skill by giving you a chance to practice key concepts. In APCS, we used to be assigned Java CodingBat exercises for homework. I started easy with the Python ones, since I've never written any "real" Python code, and I'm just sort of wetting my feet in the code.
Going in, I was expecting to try one or two exercises, just for practice. However, an hour later, I'm having trouble peeling myself away from the... 20th? 25th? (I've lost count) exercise. They're horribly addicting! I suppose there are definitely worse things to be addicted to - these exercises really solidify what I've been reading, and get me used to some of the more subtle differences between Java and Python. Also, I can't deny that it'd really satisfying to be awarded a star, and that's part of my reasoning for doing them. *whistle*

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